Thursday 2 August 2012

'Lympic Ladies #11 - Eloise Amberger

The Dutch field hockey ladies have been garnering a considerable amount of attention, and deservedly so. But there's another squad of girls who have stolen some of the limelight, and put it right up to the Oranjes in a battle for the hottest team of the Games. The Australian synchronised swimming team are a collection of smokeshows, and one stands out - introducing Eloise Amberger.

The Brisbane native - whether she goes blonde or brunette - is a legitimate bombshell. In a squad full of cracking looking girls, it takes something quality to stand out, and as usual a propensity to get her kit off seals Eloise's right as the one to take her spot in the hallowed halls of the 'Lympic Ladies.

Of course, she'll be mainly underwater wearing a nose-clip, which isn't really the most becoming of looks. But out of the pool - well, there's plenty to enjoy.

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